You can of course translate the messages as you wish. But you must pay attention to certain details so as not to cause errors.
To begin with, you should never delete a variable, framed by percentages (%). These variables are used to display information such as quest names, rewards, number of items required...
All messages must begin and end with an apostrophe ('). If you need to use an apostrophe in the message, you must double it ('').
For colours, you can use the ampersand (&) followed by the colour code you want.
This file also supports HEX colour codes.
You can see in the default file how this looks.
Please pay attention to the indentation on all YAML files. The slightest mismatch may cause errors.
Default messages file (English)
# NEVER DELETE A %variable%
# Messages support HEX colours codes.
player_help: |-
&a&nPlayer commands:
&e/quests me &a: see your own quests
&e/quests show <global/easy/medium/hard> &a: see the quests of a category
admin_help: |-
&c&nAdmin commands:
&e/qadmin complete <player> <index> &a: complete a player quest
&e/qadmin reset <quests/total> <player> &a: draw new quests for a player, or reset his total number of achieved quests.
&e/qadmin show <player> &a: see quests of a player
no_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission.'
no_permission_category: '&cYou don''t have permission to see this category.'
player_only: '&cOnly player can execute this command.'
invalid_category: '&cInvalid quest category.'
invalid_player: '&cThis player doesn''t exist, or is offline.'
invalid_quest_id: '&cYou must specify a valid quest ID, between 1 and 3.'
invalid_quest_index: '&cThe specified index is invalid.'
categorized_enabled: '&cCategorized quests are enabled, the global menu is not available.'
categorized_disabled: '&cCategorized quests are disabled, only the global menu is
global_disabled: '&cGlobal quests are disabled, only the categorized menus are available.'
already_achieved: '&cThis quest is already achieved.'
hologram_categorized_enabled: '&cCategorized quests are enabled, impossible to create
the global hologram.'
hologram_categorized_disabled: '&cCategorized quests are disabled, impossible to create
the categorized holograms.'
hologram_deleted: '&aHologram successfully deleted.'
hologram_invalid_index: '&cInvalid index for the hologram.'
quests_in_progress: '&eYou still have daily quests to complete !'
quests_renewed: '&aYou have new daily quests to complete !'
quests_renewed_admin: '&eYou have reset the quests of %target%.'
quest_achieved: '&aYou finished the quest &e%questName%&a, well done !'
all_quests_achieved: '&aYou have finished all your daily quests, well done !'
not_enough_items: '&cYou don''t have the required amount to complete this quest.'
total_amount_reset: '&eYour total number of completed quests has been reset by an
total_amount_reset_admin: '&e%target%''s total number of completed quests has been
reset by an admin.'
reward_command: '&aYou receive some rewards commands.'
reward_exp_levels: '&aYou receive &e%rewardAmount% &bEXP &alevels.'
reward_exp_points: '&aYou receive &e%rewardAmount% &bEXP &apoints.'
reward_money: '&aYou receive &e%rewardAmount% &b$&a.'
reward_points: '&aYou receive &e%rewardAmount% &bpoints&a.'
new_day: '&6It''s a new day!'
reward_money_fail: '&cAn error happened. Impossible to give you the reward. Please
contact an administrator.'
too_far: '&cYou are too far from the required location.'
bad_world: '&cYou are in the wrong world.'